Reading the eight books series that starts with The Many Coloured Land again. I first read them in the 1990s and have read the set several times since, including a period of waiting for the last three to be published. I even got a copy of Diamond Mask from the USA to cut the eating time!
The overall story in the opening book is still as good as I remember. Some of the prose is a bit too biology/geology textbook for my tastes now — quite a lot of descriptive text about the Pliocene world’s flora, fauna, and geology.
I finished listening to the She Said audiobook. It’s astonishing. I listened to it as a direct result of watching the She Said film. That does an excellent job of summarising Weinstein’s horrible behaviour. But it’s just that, a summary. The book has much more detail. This is a must-read or listen. And things need to change to prevent other women from being harassed and abused by future Weinstein’s.
This is superb—especially the final chapter and afterword. But you need to listen to the rest of it for the payoff. But all the chapters are good. It’s not about being funny. It is about levity and making yourself a fun person to be around, which makes things better for everyone in the group. Make transversing life fun for you and others!