New Kate Bush song

After a 12 year wait. The new Kate Bush single “King of the Mountain” was released to radio today. It got its international debut on Ken Bruce’s BBC Radio 2 show. It’s very, very good indeed.

I got my radioShark to record the show when I was at work. I then used Audio Hijack Pro to cut out the track from the rest of the radio show and save it as an AAC file. I’ve been playing it a lot this evening. What a voice. I stand by my statement from 2003.

Really looking forward to the new album.

Update: The new Kate Bush web site now has a snippet of the new track. And it is now available from the iTMS.

Recent additions

Recently I’ve added quite a few new artists and albums to iTunes. Almost all of these have been via the iTMS. Some notable additions are listed below.

The Killers – Hot Fuss. I love this album. One of the best I’ve heard in a long time.

Kaiser Chiefs – Employment. I bought this because somebody I know said it was good and I’d probably like it. They were right 🙂

Aimee Mann – Lost in Space. Came to this via a weird route. Was checking out the HD video examples at the Apple QuickTime site. One of the examples was Aimee Mann performing The Moth. Liked it so much I got the album.

Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand. Was loaned a copy of this as I’m going to TVital05 in Belfast in August and they are playing. Scissor Sistors are also playing and it was them I wanted to see. I’m actually looking forward to seeing FF more now. Really good album.

Patrick and Eugene – Postcard from Summerisle. Bought this after The Birds and The Bees was the free single of the week on the UK iTMS. Excellent stuff. Includes a ska/reggae cover of Can’t Get You Out Of My Mind.

Surveillance Ultrasound

I had the ultrasound that was mentioned in my last post a few days ago. As expected this was all clear. Lateral transfer of TC is quite rare so I didn’t expect anything to show up. Good to know for sure though.

And another one gone…

Had my 6th post I/O & radiation check-up today. Nothing unusual to report.
The lung x-ray that was taken at the last check-up was clear. Today the oncologist did an exam of my testicle, abdomen and also listened to my lung sounds. All fine.
He re-instigated the blood marker checks that were skipped at the last check-up (my markers were always normal) and ordered a precautionary ultrasound on my testicle. He also said I’d get another CT scan in 12 months.
So happy days then 🙂

Tori Amos – The Beekeeper

Brilliant new album from Tori Amos. Back to the quality of the early material. Much happiness!

I didn’t know this new album was out until I saw it in a banner advertisement on the UK iTMS. Tori Amos’s early albums were very, very good indeed. Her debut album, Little Earthquakes, was stunning with tracks like Crucify, Precious Things, Happy Phantom and Winter especially good. The next album, Under the Pink, was better than the previous one. Nearly all the tracks on this album were, and still are, brilliant. After this there were a few albums that were different! There were a few good tracks inter-spaced on the albums Boys for Pele, From the Choirgirl Hotel and To Venus and Back. Venus did have a 2nd live disk with stuff from the early albums on it. Which was good. Some people loved those albums. I didn’t.

The album Scarlet’s Walk, which was released in 2002, was a step back towards the good material. The track Wednesday was very, very good indeed and a few others as well. The new album, The Beekeeper, is brilliant. I’ve listened to it about 15 times over the last few days. There isn’t a track on it I feel like skipping. Toast is my favourite. Closely followed by Witness, Parasol and Ireland. It’s all good though. You can listen to 30 second snippets at the album home page on the iTMS. There is a track on the album called Sweet the Sting that sounds very like it’s Alisha’s Attic performing it. Which is no bad thing.

Hormonally Yours – Shakespear’s Sister

Took the urge to listen to the song Stay from the Hormonally Yours album from Shakespeare’s Sister tonight. So I pressed the trusty iPod into service. I ended up listening to the whole album. Bloody marvellous stuff. Pity they are not together anymore. Since their split however there have been a few brilliant solo albums from Marcy Detroit.

The iPod really changes the way you listen to music. It’s incredible having 2600 tracks available instantly no matter where you happen to be. No need to find the CD and mount it to hear a track from your collection. Want to hear a track? It’s playing in seconds.

Also the AAC encoding system that you can use in iTunes to encode your CD’s for the iPod produces files that sound incredible. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating. If you want a digital music player get an iPod or one of the new iPod mini devices. You won’t be disappointed.

More drivel on BBC Thought for the Day

I thought that I was beyond attainment of a state of incredulity when listening to pious twerps try to justify natural events in the world. I was wrong.

If you want to listen to some idiot talking absolute nonsense in the face of the recent earthquake and tsunami then visit the URL below and listen to the tripe Elaine Storkey was allowed to broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Wednesday 29th December. This is a new low in the several thousand years of wreck and ruin religion has inflicted upon humanity.

I suppose I should thank the idiots who spout this nonsense for vindicating my rejection of religion as errant nonsense when I was about 10. But sod them. My wish for 2005 is that more people realise that all religion is an anachronism whose time has passed. Humanity needs to grow up and make a better future for all the life on this planet. Religion is surplus to requirements in the endeavour.

This link will expire at some stage. You will need to search the BBC Thought for the day archive to get the 29th December 2004 entry after that.

Another check-up bites the dust

With apologies to John Deacon for the title of this entry. Had another check-up last Wednesday. Everything fine and dandy.

Got the usual physical check of the lymph nodes in the neck & abdomen. Also had a chest X-Ray taken to make sure my lungs are clear. My oncology consultant has decided to stop checking for tumour markers in my blood every 2 months. It’s been 20 months since my IO. My markers were normal pre and post IO. Have been normal on every test since as well. I’m happy enough to stop getting spiked for a blood sample every 8 weeks. Next visit will be in 6 months at which time I’ll get an ultrasound exam of the remaining nut!

So assuming the X-Ray is clean (and it should be) it’s full steam ahead. The TC escapade is retreating further into the past 🙂

The Knife – Deep Cuts

Just got the new album (well new for he UK anyway) from The Knife. It’s called Deep Cuts. Not sure if I like it as much as their last album but it has some really good tracks. It’s growing on me.

I really like Pass this on and You take my breath away. Other good ones are Heartbeats, Girls night out, One for you, Rock classics, Is it medicine and Got 2 let u. Actually I seem to have listed most of the tracks there so I must like the album as whole. it comes with a DVD that contains videos for 5 tracks.

The Ancestor’s Tale – R. Dawkins (plus) The Road To Reality – R. Penrose

Was at a meeting this morning in the centre of Belfast so I popped into Waterstones bookshop to pick up a copy of Roger Penrose’s “The Road to Reality“. Got that okay. We will get to that presently.

Sitting proudly in the Just Published section was Richard Dawkins “The Ancestor’s Tale“. So I got a copy of that as well. All I can say is “Wow!!”

First impressions; this is a beautiful book. The production quality is superb. It’s 528 pages long. Between A4 and A5 in size, hardback, excellent paper quality. All that’s fine and dandy but “what about the content?” I hear you cry.
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